About Department of Otolaryngology

Otolaryngology Department (ENT)

Staff  Members:

Professor: Hashim Ibrahim Yagi.

Graduate of University of Khartoum    1968.

Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons Ed &

Diploma of Laryngology and Otology London U.K 1975.

Associate Professor:  Nagat Abdalla Elawad.

MBBC of Medicine and Surgery, University of Alexandria Egypt 1983.                                                   

Clinical M.D. in Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum 1998.                                                        

Medical Laser Diploma/ Otorhinolaryngology, Sudan university of science & technology 2008.

Assistant Professor: Nazik Alfadel Abdalla.

MBBS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, 1997.

First part Otolaryngology, University of Khartoum,  1998.

FRCSI, Royal College of Ireland, 2002

Diploma of Laser, Otorhinolaryngology, Sudan university of science & technology 2005.

Assistant Professor:  Osama Mohammed Khalid

MBBS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, 1999.

Fellowship of the Arab Board of Medical Specialization in Otolaryngology Head& Neck Surgery 2006.

Clinical MD in Otorhinolaryngology Head& Neck Surgery , Sudan Medical specialization Board 2006.

 Assistant Professor:  Siddig Elsayed Kardman.

 MBBS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, May 2001.

Clinical MD in Otorhinolaryngology , Sudan Medical specialization Board, May 2008.

Research Projects:

1-                Nasopharyngeal Cancer in collaboration with the Institute of Endemic Diseases.

2-                Neonatal Screening for Hearing in Soba University Hospital in collaboration with the paediatric Department .

3-                Paranasal sinus Aspergillosis.

4-                Amikacin Ototoxicity in Mycetoma Patients in collaboration with Mycetoma Research Centre.         

      Research output:

·        N AbdAlla, H. Yagi .Pulmonary Aspergillosis following Paranasal Sinus Aspergillosis,Khartoum Medical Journal(2012) vol .05 No.03  pp835-827

·        Ashoor M. Yagi H, Could Type I Diabetes Mellitus I n Children Cause Sensorineral Hearing Loss? Saudi Journal of ORL H&N Surgery 2003; 5(2):74-80

·        Yagi H., Gumma S., Shumo A., Abdalla N. Gadir A. Nasosinus Aspergillosis in Sudanese Patients. Canadian Journal of Otolaryngology 1999; 28 (2): 90-94.

·        Humaidan A., Yagi H. Nasosinus Fungal Infection a Twelve Years Experience. Saudi Journal of ORL H&N Surgery1999; 1(1): 81-83.

·        Telmesani L., AidraousT. Yagi H. Nasal Glioma (Cerebral Hetrotopic Tissue). Bahrain Medical

       Bulletin 1999; 21(4): 152-153.

·        Aidarous T.,Yagi H. Eosinophilic Granuloma(LCG) Simulating Mastoiditis.Indian Journal of Otology 1999 ;5(1):51-54

·        Yagi H., Fahal A., El Hassan A.M. Mycetoma of the Mastoid B one. Transactions of the Royal

        Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1998; 92:68.

·        Yagi H. Foreign bodies in the tracheo-bronchial tree in Sudanese patients. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 1997; 42:235-237.

·        Yagi H., El Bahari S., Mohamed H.A., Sid Ahmed E.R., Mustafa B., Mahmoud M., Saad M.B.A., Suliman S.M., El Hassan A.M.The Marrara Syndrome: An allergic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and buccopharyngeal mucosa, caused by nymphs of Linguatula Serrata. Acta Tropica (Netherlands) Dec 16, 1996; 62(3): 127-34.

·        Fahal A.H., Yagi H., El Hassan A.M. Mycetoma induced palatal Deficiency & Pharyngeal Plexus Dysfunction. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.  1996; 90(6): 878-879.

·        Yagi H., El Hindi A.M., El Sheikh A.A. Paraphenylendiamine induced optic atrophy following hair dye poisoning. Journal of Human & Experimental Toxicology.  1996; 15: 617-618.

·        El Hassan A.M., Meridith S.E.O., Yagi H., Kalil E.A.G., Ghalib H.W., Abbas K., Zijilstra E.E., Kroon C.C.M., Schoope G.J., Ismail A. Sudanese Mucosal Leishmaniasis: epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis immune responses and treatment. Transactions of the Royal Society Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1995; 89: 2-7

·        Hashim F.A, Ahmed A.E.El Hassan, El Mubark M.H, Yagi H, Ibrahim E.N, Ali M.S. Neurologic changes in Visceral Leishmaniasis. Am.J.Trop. Med. Hyg.  1995; 52(2): 149-154.

·        El Hassan A.M., Yagi H. Zijlstra E. E., El Kadrou A. I. Leishmaniasis of the nose caused by different species of Leishmania in Sudan. Journal of Tropical and Geographical Medicine.  1994; 46(1): 33-36.

·        Yagi H.     EL Hadi A. A Clinical survey of diseases of the throat and salivary glands in Sudanese. Sudan Medical Journal 1993; 31(1): 33-34.

·        YagiH. Sinusitis in Sudanese patients. East African Medical Journal1991; 68(12): 944-47.

·        Yagi H. An unusual foreign body in the esophagus. Central African Journal of Medicine July 1991; 37(7): 222-4.

·        Yagi H., El Hindi A.M., Khalil S.I. Acute poisoning from Hair Dye. East African Medical Journal 1991; 68(6): 404-411.

·        Yagi H. Chronic suppurative otitis media in Sudanese patients. East African Medical Journal 1990; 67(1): 4-8

·        Yagi H.  The pattern of diseases of the ear in Sudanese patients. Sudan Medical Journal 1990; 67(1): 4-8.

·        Yagi H. The effect of work in hot environment on U.R.T& impact on ORL diseases. Publication of The International symposium-Work on Hot Environment& Heat related disorders.1988.

·        Yagi H.  The pattern of diseases of the nose and Para nasal sinuses in Sudanese patients. Sudan Medical Journal1987; 25(1-4): 51-60.

·        Yagi H. Chronic ear disease in Sudan. Sudan Medical Bulletin 1981; 3(2): 11-12.

·        Yagi H.  Anon syringing technique for clearance of wax off ears. Sudan Medical Journal 1982; 18(2-40): 167-168.

·        Gad El Rab M.O, Yagi H. Some aspects of allergic rhinitis in Sudanese patients. Sudan Medical Journal 1981; 17:18-20.

·        Yagi H.I. The surgical treatment of secretory otitis media in children. The British Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1977; XC1. (3): 267-270. 

·        Yagi H. An Unusual cause of upper respiratory tract obstruction. East African Med-ical Journal

                 (letter to the Editor) (Accepted for publication).

·        ElHassan A.,Ibrahim M.,Yagi H.,Khalil E.,Abbas K.,Satti I.,ElMakki M.,Old World Mucosal Leishmaniasis:Agla,the Espundia-like mucosal Leshmaniasis of the Msaleet tribe of Sudan. Apaper presented to the World Leish 2 Conference –Greece May 2001.

·        Yagi H.Highlights on Nasosinus Aspergillosis and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in the Management .A paper presented to the International Minimal Access Surgery Conference –Dhahran October 2002.

·        Yagi H. Clinical Experience with Acute Mastoiditis .A paper presented to the Symposium on Hearing & Ear Care-Riyadh October 2002.

·        Yagi H. A Comparative Study of Staphylococcal Nasal Carrier in Sudanese (Cross Infection with Animal Species) A paper presented to the 5th International Saudi ORL H&N Surgery Conference-Dhahran (14-16 October 2003).

·        Moazen Y. ,Telmesani  L. ,Ammar  A.,Yagi H. Trasnasal Endoscopic  Pituitary Surgery, A University Hospital Experience in Saudi Arabia . Sudan Medical Journal,Vol 43 1,2 &3 ,Jan ,May&Oct (2006) (Published 2007)

·        Al –Qudehy Z ,Al –Nufaily Y, Yagi H .Hairy  Polyp of the Nasopharynx  an Unusual Presentation  Case Report and Literature Review  (Ready for publication).

·        Abdul Rahim. M, Abdalla. N, Elmustafa. O. M. Clinical presentation of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma in Sudanese patients. JABMS  2008 VOL.9. No.4: 43-46

·        Elawad NA: Management of twenty patients with neck trauma in Khartoum ENT Hospital. Sudan JMS March 2013 vol 8, No.1:39-42.

·        I.H. Siddique, N. Elawad, A.E. Ahmed. Effect of mobile phones on hearing. Journal of the Neurological Sciences October 2013 vol. 333 supplement 1, page e726.

·        Nazik E. Abdullah and Nafie A. Al-Muslet.  Use of the Nd-YAG Laser for inferior Turbinectomy: A Comparative Study, Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat.

·        Nazik E. Abdullah, Ameera A.M. Adam, Eman H. Khalifa, Lamyaa A.M. EL Hassan, M.E. Ibrahim,K.M. Hamad and A.M. El Hassan, Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Sudan: Epidemiology, Clinical and Histological Characteristics, Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 2011:4 5–11.

·        Nazik E Abdullah, Mona A A.Raheem, E M Elamin, Ameera A M Adam, K M Hamad, Tarig A Hamad and A M El Hassan,Naso-Maxillary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma: A case report, Gezira Journal of Health Sciences June 2013 Vol 9 (1)70-76.

Ameera Adam, Nazik Abdullah, Lamyaa El Hassan, Elwaleed Elamin, M.E. Ibrahim , Ahmed El Hassan, Expression of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded RNA in nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Sudanese, Journal of Cancer Therapy (JCT) 2014, 5, 517-522.

·        Ameera A.M. Adam, Nazik E. Abdullah, Eman H. Khalifa, Lamyaa A.M. El Hassan,E.M. Elamin, K.M. Hamad, M.E. Ibrahim and A.M. El Hassan, Pathology of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Sudanese Patientsand its Association with Epstein-Barr Virus: A Report from a Single Center in Khartoum, Advances in Tumor Virology 2011:2 1–6.

·        Maowia Mukhtar , Mona Aboud , Musa Kheir , Sahar Bakhiet , Nazik Abdullah , Ahmed Ali , Nadia Hassan ,Elwaleed Elamin , and Atif Elagib, Case Report : First Report on Ambisome-Associated Allergic Reaction in Two Sudanese Leishmaniasis Patients, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine, 85(4), 2011, pp. 644–645.

·        E. M. Elamin, M.M. Mukhtar, Sahar M. Bakhiet, A. M. Musa , Lamyaa A. M. ELHassan , Nazik E. Abdullah , A. M. Y. Kadaru , A.M. El Hassan, Aan unusual case of mucosal leishmaniasis with cutaneous dissemination in Sudan and its epidemiological significance, Sudan Journal of Dermatology 2005;3(2):88-91


Social& service activities:

  • Otolaryngology department Soba university Hospital for:

1-    undergraduate as well as postgraduate training and tertiary service.

2- Audiology unit which provide neonatal screening of hearing for early detection of deafness.

  • Otolaryngology department Ibn Sina Hospital:

Advance unit for undergraduate and postgraduate  training with audiology and phonetics service.

  • Otolaryngology department Khartoum ENT Hospital:

Emergency & Elective services as well as undergraduate and postgraduate training centre.  

  • The Staff members:

1-    Involved in Postgraduate Training and evaluation in Faculty of higher Education University of Khartoum since 1994.

2-    Involved in Postgraduate Training and evaluation in Sudan Medical Specialisation Board Since 2001.

3-    Involved in Postgraduate Training and evaluation in Arab Board Specialisation.

4-    Involved in Pharmacy course for pharmacy graduate before internship.

5-    Leaders& members of Sudan Association of ORL.

6-    Represents the University in International and Regional Conferences and Meetings.

7-    Training  of Teachers of Deaf Schools.

Contact us

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  • dummy Hot line: +249 5662031

  • dummy Email:medicine@uofk.edu

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